CeraVe Takes on Acne and Skin Care Misinformation for Teens, Tweens and Parents

Worryingly, '45% of parents believe that social media has made their child more self-conscious about their skin,' per CeraVe
Worryingly, "45% of parents believe that social media has made their child more self-conscious about their skin," per CeraVe
Mat Hayward

Cera Ve Acne Survey V3 062624CeraVeAccording to a new survey from CeraVe, 61% of parents with kids aged 10-17 say those children participate in social media skin care trends; and 74% of these parents say their kids are talking to them about acne.

As with the wider Gen Alpha beauty boom, the key concern is ensuring children pursue age-appropriate solutions for their acne and skin care needs.

Here, information is key.

Kids Awash in Skin Care & Acne Misinformation

In fact, the survey, conducted Jun 7-14, 2024 among 2,000 U.S. parents, found that 70% want more education on what products are healthy and beneficial for their children.

The challenge is significant given the prevalence of acne, which can impact as much as 85% of those aged 12-24.

Per CeraVe, there are more than 6 million posts on TikTok using #skincareroutine and more than 2 million using #acne.

No doubt, kids scrolling on the platform are taking in this content, much of it flooded with misinformation

Worryingly, "45% of parents believe that social media has made their child more self-conscious about their skin," per CeraVe

"As a pediatric dermatologist, acne is one of the most common topics I address with my patients and their parents as kids start to experience their first breakouts," says board-certified pediatric dermatologist Latanya Benjamin, M.D., FAAD, FAAP.

Benjamin adds, "Each patient's acne experience is different and caring for acne-prone skin can start at an early age, so I encourage everyone to make sure the ingredients are age-appropriate. I recommend a gentle routine with CeraVe products that includes a daily cleanser and moisturizer, and when breakouts really begin to need treatment, swapping in products that have acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide."

CeraVe Takes on the Acne Information Vacuum

In response to the information challenge facing parents, CeraVe has, coinciding with Acne Awareness Month, co-created credible acne education for social media with dermatologists and mommy influencers.

It has also collaborated with dermatologists and pediatricians to co-create kits with educational materials for parents and teens, which will be distributed by pediatricians nationwide.

The brand's acne-focused SKUs feature clinical, hydrating, soothing and skin-barrier-supporting ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and ceramides.

"CeraVe understands the impact that acne can have on people of all ages and knows that having clear-looking skin is one of the many reasons for the growing interest in skin care among younger generations," says Penelope Giraud, CeraVe general manager. "We are committed to working with dermatologists to offer a full range of products that allow consumers of all ages to customize their skin care routines to use what works best for them and feel confident in their skin."

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