Have You Standardized Your Post-Procedure Regimens for Patients? [Survey]

Have you standardized your post-procedure regimens for many of your procedures? Answer our 1-question survey below and let us know!
Have you standardized your post-procedure regimens for many of your procedures? Answer our 1-question survey below and let us know!
Image by Viacheslav Yakobchuk at Adobe Stock

We recently discussed how ensuring patients are supporting their in-office treatments with adequate at-home skin care regimens is an important part of optimizing and maintaining results in between visits. In our recent coverage of the ASLMS 2024 meeting, ASLMS 2024 Spotlight: Next Gen Aesthetic Product Innovation, we highlighted the advantages of having standardized post-care regimens for patients and practitioners in reference to Young Pharmaceuticals "new post-procedure sensitivity treatment line that is simple and easy for patients to follow. The line standardizes laser post-care treatment, with specific products designed for use in the first 48 hours when patients are experiencing the hot phase when skin needs cooling treatments and another set of products designed for patients to use during the second “dry” phase when their skin needs additional hydration. This new post-procedure line is an ideal solution for a simple and easy-to-use standardized post-care regimen to ensure patients protect and optimize their treatment results."

After a procedure, simple and easy skin care is the key to success, as patients are dealing with the downtime and are less likely to find the energy and clarity of mind to follow a complicated post-care regimen or a regimen that isn't standardized and gives them too many options to have to consider. Easy post-care solutions like Young Pharmaceuticals' new post-procedure line or post-care masks like Velez' line of Intense Hydration Masks that provide post-care cooling relief and enhance treatment results while coming in the form of an easy to use mask. 

Please answer our 1-question survey below: "Have you standardized your post-procedure regimens for many of your procedures?"

Check back every Tuesday for a new one-click survey.

We'll reveal the answers in next week's MedEsthetics newsletter. 

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